Vinayaka Chavithi

Antharaaya thimiropa saanthaye saantha paavanamachintya vaibhavam tam naram vapushi kunjaram mukhe manmahe kimapi tundilam mahaha

For Hindus “Dakshinayana Punyakalam” is full of festive seasons starting with “Vinayaka Chavithi.” It is an auspicious festive day for all the Hindus, which is celebrated in commemoration of the birth day of Lord Ganesh. It falls on “Bhadrapada masa suddha chavithi “ day according to the lunar calendar, every year.
Before going into the importance of the festival, it is imperative that every Hindu must appreciate as to why Lord Ganesh deserved to be the first deity to be worshipped before starting any ritual. His priority over other deities has got to be appreciated from the stand point of the very concept of the manifestation of Lord Ganesh in His physical form.
It is believed since Vedic times that the letter “OM” was the “”Aadi Pranavam”, i.e, the first perceived sound in the universe by Rushies, followed by Vedas. If we can intuitively observe the shape of the single letter “OM” in ‘Devanagara Lipi’ (Sanskrit) it comprises of three ingredients. They are: Number ‘3’; a horn like stroke with a bend and half moon with a star in it. These three are the formal representation of the shape of Lord Ganesh. The upper half of number3 is indicative of Lord’s face and the lower part his large stomach (lambodaram) wherein the entire universe exists. Secondly the bend shaped horn like stroke represents Lord’s ‘vakrathundam’ and the third half moon with star represents Lord’s ‘phalachandra vadana nethram.’
As per Vedas, the letter” OM” was perceived to have manifested from the “Nirguna cCaitanyam” as the first and foremost sound and the letter, even prior to the entire creation. It is from “Adipranavam” only that the rest of everything in the universe got sprouted into the time and space concept in the universe which is otherwise Soonyam. It is therefore believed that when “Adiparashkathi” ( Kinetic Energy) started its universal manifestation, the first form in the universe was that of “Vinayaka Lokam” and Lord Vinayaka appeared as the first form in the universe. That is why HE is revered as “Adipujyan”; “Pranava swarupan”; “Sabda Brahman”’;”Vaakpathi”; “ Vidyadhipathi”; “Vighnanayakar” and the like.
According to Hindu Mythology, there are four kalpas known as “Shiva Kalpa”; VishnuKalpa”; Devi Kalpa” and Ganesha kalpa”, all of which existed even before the manifestation of the universe and were kept rotating in “kalachakram. “In one such “Ganesha kalpam” Lord Ganesh was the ‘Parabhrahman.”
That is why Lord Ganesh/ Vinayaka is revered as the ‘Vighnanasakar”, meaning remover of all the obstacles in any work. That is how he came to be accepted to be having the deserving top priority place of worship during any Hindu rituals and festive occasions. He is believed to be the sign of wisdom and prosperity. His worship includes offering of twenty one varieties of tree leaves all of which are well known for their ‘Herbo-medicinal ‘values. Being akin to the nature, the preparation of Lord Ganesh idol is also mostly made of natural clay taken from the mother earth and finally dissolved in the water after puja.
Let us all pray, Lord Vinayaka invoking his Blessings for removing all the obstacles in our daily routine life and fulfil our genuine wishes in the best interest of one and all.